Thursday, August 25, 2011


"apologizing doesn't mean i'm wrong and you are right or you're wrong and i'm right. it just mean to me that value of our friendship more than our ego"

i got my besties back
sometime stress, tired and busy
make us forgot to smile (:
will going back home tomorrow

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a week before raya

nak tulis kejap. padahal tengah bukak analog neh. haish. lagi dua hari officially kelas-kelas untuk third sem ni akan habis. kejap je dah habis sem. kejap je dah habis puasa. kejap je dah nak final. tengok neh, jadual aku yang padat untuk dua minggu terakhir ni

-mati sebelum balik rumah-

okay sebenarnya nak cakap, banyak yang berlaku in this two week. seems that i've lost one of my besties kat sini. tah, memang dia unpredictable. but that's the way he is and sebenarnya aku seronok kawan dengan dia. sebab dia rajin layan kerenah aku yang macam-macam. kaki bercerita. kaki mengadu. tapi tah, after a question being asked, aku jadi terfikir. is that mean bila kau berkawan rapat dengan seorang lelaki sebenarnya sebab dia nak usha member-member atau geng kau. okay, kalau ye that's lame. sekian. tetiba aku rasa jadi tawar hati. kenapa? tah. one quote, baiki friendship based - not because of a girl or not because you need something. after all i felt like just to make myself idle.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


thanks sebab caring. tapi kalau terlebih caring pun boleh buat orang annoyed. aku penat sebenarnya. nak cakap pun penat. dah la lately ni dapat syndrom susah nak tidur. golek 1 jam baru tidur. tu pun bile mesej masuk je, ngantuk tadi wassalam. penat kalau tak boleh tidur, and penat jugak kalau terlebih tidur. ye, aku ditimpa musibah hari ni. tapi, jangan tanya banyak-banyak macam polis la sebab polis pun tak tanya banyak-banyak tadi kat aku. ibu pun tak soal siasat aku macam polis. penat tau nak jawab. aku tak nak nampak kurang ajar. tapi, sorry tone aku pun dah lain tadi kan. btw, kadang-kadang kena tengok timing jugak bila nak tanye. its now 3.30am kot. jujur, i'm looking forward to be with ira next year, kalau dapat tamtam pun tak kisah.

sebenarnya lately ni selalu terfikir kalau purse hilang macam mana ek? and sebenarnya tadi pun tak sedap hati. rupa-rupanya memang benda dah nak jadi. patutla ada orang kata kadang-kadang kita kena ikut gerak hati. serius kalau aku ada cash dalam tangan at least RM 200 aku tak kan susahkan ibu untuk bank in duit. aku boleh uruskan semua kad-kad yang hilang. selama ni pun semua urusan-urusan rasmi memang aku dah pernah buat. tapi, kalau siapa yang kenal aku, when i'm not okay semua jadi serabut. dah la memang aku cepat gelabah. benda jadi lebih tak sedap sebab bukan melibatkan barang aku je. tipu tak rasa bersalah. kalau calculator, boleh la ni hard disc kot.

banyak urusan yang nak kena selesaikan khamis ni. terpaksa bergantung pada orang. terasa lebih bersalah sebab menyusahkan best friend sendiri. dah la dengan barang-barang dia sekali hilang. benda yang aku paling tak suka sebab terpaksa menyusahkan hidup orang lain. tapi, nak buat macam mana, nak keluar tak ada kad pengenalan. nak drive tak ada lesen. nak keluarkan duit, kad dah kena beku. huru-hara jadinya.

okey, ni first time aku buat directly confession on first paragraph. tak mau terlalu jujur. nak jaga hubungan at least for the next three weeks before tak jumpa 4 bulan nanti. karang ada yang boleh join group MISS A - tacing. oh plus ada possibility untuk orang bukak dan baca dan terasa. sorry.

always wandering why i'm always being tested into this kind of problem. starting from the accident. well, ada hikmah. nak tidur dah tapi mata still tak boleh tutup. pray that i can stabilize my emotional.

akak inspector tadi sporting
sebab dia buat aku tak takut dengan polis
sebab aku rasa semua polis scary
but she made me safe
even though i know there is no more safety in here
but at least to have person that makes u feel safe
its more than enough

Sunday, August 14, 2011


hari ni iftar besar-besar classmate EE. aku tau ramai sangat and restoran mek tu besar mana lah pun. tapi one thing no matter how big the size it at least most of us were there. TOGETHER. in a table. that's why i love my classmate more. different opinion, character, style but yet our friendship bond is strong.

tapi lately ni banyak benda yang buat aku terpukul dan berfikir. firstly time birthday shahrul. not invited yet muncul di tempat kejadian. zzz -,- . secondly hari ni. entahlah, tiba-tiba rasa bersalah sebab tak ajak my 'exbestfriend' tu. bukan apa, let say i'm in his shoe kan? tengok all classmates ada kat situ tapi dia tak di'invite'. aku faham, bukan senang nak ajak semua orang. bila ada yang tertinggal, mula la timbul isu tacing. kawan-kawan, sometimes we cannot include all of you. sometimes, kita grab siapa yang the closest to us. well pada aku friendship ni benda yang 100 kali long lasting dari relationship. friends are not just when you are having test tomorrow. or quiz. or final. friends are not just when you need them to do project. but friends are people that always there by your side, in any time. when you are down, happy, doing something together or spend time together. gaduh, salah faham, merajuk then ketawa semula.

with shahrul and amin - road to ustazah's wedding, 1st Feb 2011

shahrul's birthday @ secret recipe

my birthday @ pizza hut batu gajah

enjoy every moment spent with them cause tau after school life, uni's life is the second best. live well, eat well, study well :). bak kata sorang member aku ni lah kan,

and aku agree lah dengan statement dia. well, dah habis sesi refleksi diri. esok and next week are going to be my tough week. fokus ain, final dah dekat sangat.

lastly, i'm happy with my buddies around me especially bila time final nanti, masing-masing dah demotivate, lagu mendua hampir ke situ ni at least boleh membantu. and sebenarnya ya. sebab kita ada kawan yang saling menyokong. credit to shahrul, for this song.

hmm, ni je lah kot nak membebel. okay, back to computational method yang leceh tahap cipan neh. ouh, buku latihan dengan hard disc tertinggal kat kereta *okay, tak ada kena mengena*. nak kena amek jap lagi neh.

hari tak ada footnote

Saturday, August 6, 2011

35 Things a Girl/Lady/Woman wants but won't Ask For

sumpah cheesy. mana lah adek aku dapat menda alah neh. take as light reading. chill babe :)

1. Touch her waist
2. Actually talk to her
3. Share secrets with her
4. Give her 1 of your sweatshirts
5. Hold her
6. Laugh with her
7. Invite her everywhere
8. Hangout with her and your friends together
9. Smile with her
10. Take pictures with her

11. Pull her onto your lap
12. When she says she love you more, deny it. Fight back
13. Always say hi whenever you see her
14. Tell her she's beautiful
15. Tell her the way you feel about her

You need to do to show her you actually do mean it
16. Open doors for her, walk to her car (if any)
17. Tell her she's your everything-only if you mean it
18. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her-if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT-so, just comfort her
19. Make her feel loved

We Might Deny It But We Actually Like it And Kinda Want You To Tickle Us
20. Don't lie to her
21. Don't cheat on her
22. Take her anywhere she wants
23. Text message or call her in the morning
24. Be there for her both when she needs or doesn't need you. She'll know that she can always count on you
25. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold you too

Are you thinking of someone?
26. When people diss her, stand up for her
27. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her
28. When walking next to each other grab her hand
29. Call or text her every night to wish her sweet dreams
30. Take her for long walks at night
31. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears
32. Rub her back-feels good
33. Give her your coat if she's cold-that's always cute
34. Let her sit on your lap
35. Keep conversations flowing, talk about anything usually they just go along with it

Friday, August 5, 2011


puasa ketiga di utp
puasa ketiga tanpa ayah
puasa pertama aku kurang makan

puasa maksudnya dah dekat dengan final. so, i've less than a month to prepare. frankly, i'm not ready. bagi lah masa berapa lama pun, orang tak akan bersedia.

kali ni puasa kurang sikit tempted dengan makanan-makanan walaupun ayam percik nampak sedap. ayam golek pon. uncle bob pun sama. huhu. nafsu-nafsu. haha, padan muka memang tak boleh makan pun. sayangnya bazar kali ni tak ada orang jual my favourite puding. tak kisah la cocktail ke custard. dulu, tiap-tiap hari sanggup beli sebab suka. so, i guess if i want to satisfy myself, kena buat sendiri lah kan? weee

oh, esok balik rumah and i just love untuk berbuka dekat rumah. not just because ibu yang masak tapi about the feeling being at home :) sorry ibu, ain balik minggu ni then next time a few days before raya kay?

got interesting story pasal member jeles dengan member sendiri. huu, he seems to have higher jealousy. sabar bro. he's just like that. i'm sure he doesn't mean anything. control sikit eh, puasa kan. hee.

sebenarnya tak de lah nak tulis apa-apa yang penting but i guess once dah start tulis, you are going to write over and over. hee, selamat malam. nak tidur sebab transformer tak jadi :(

if and only if i can said this to you
or you would do the same thing
but i know it seem a big impossible
keep this to myself
truth. lie. hurt. pain. jealous.
sometimes that words can stand by themselves

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

dah lama sangat

hmm, laaaaama sangat tak tulis kat sini. kalau rumah, bukan setakat berhabuk dengan bersawang, entah-entah dah tak rupa rumah. well, sebenarnya since form 5 nak pakai braces. time tu ayah la yang excited. tapi duduk asrama, buat pulak dengan kerajaan, so ayah decide for not to do before spm. haha, and now aku dah ada gigi besi :D

appointment 1 - buka rekod
appointment 2 - xray gigi (hee, seram sebenarny
a mesin xray tuh)
appointment 3 - moulding gigi (rasa moulding tu macam g
ula-gula fruit plus perasa mango, nasib baik x telan)
appointment 4 - scaling + tampal 5 batang gigi (hee,
sebenarnya kena 10, terlebih 3 kalau dengan dentist frai lah. lepas tu dengan bijaknya terus pergi makan tutti frutti. konfiden sungguh)
appointment 5 - tampal lagi 5 batang (okay, kali ni sakit sebab ada satu gigi ni lubang dalam. waa, ngilu gila sampai asyik terfikir dentist ni tampal ke tak gigi aku. hehe)
appointment 6 - cabut gigi (sebenarnya suppose 1st step braces which is pasang braket dulu. malangnya dentist aku sakit, so she said to go for
extraction. gila kau. mau tak cuak. dari kecik sampai dah boleh jadi mak orang sumpah aku takut tau cab
ut gigi sebenarnya. balik cabut, terus tidur. bangun-bangun lapar. well, orang cabut gigi biasa tak makan banyak, tapi aku? semangkuk mi sup habis. mm
, bukan sebab aku perut naga tapi
orang kat sabila masak sedap sangat :P)
appointment 6 - another 2 extractions (well, this time super duper sakit. yelah, dah bius banyak x99 kali pun, aku still terasa gigi aku di'force' untuk dicabut. saaakkit kot. tapi dah besar kan, tahan je la. hehe. balik, rasa nak pitam, darah banyak sangat because according to dentist my root is too healthy, so luka extraction tu dalam. :( sayangnya nengok gigi yang cantik dicabut. bukan sebatang, bukan dua tapi EMPAT. EMPAT ye..
appointment 7 - this is the day, 29th July 2010. pakai brace
s. hmm, sebenarnya dah ready sakit time pakai tapi surprisingly tak pun. cuma lenguh kena nganga lama-lama. dua jam kot. haha, dentist risau sangat aku r
asa sakit asyik tanya je, 'are you alright?' aku mampu anggu
k je la, dalam hati, doc saya nak tidur sekejap boleh tak? hee, ngantuk lah. first choice is pink, tapi pink tu LIGHT sangat. takpe-takpe, next month kaler purple ea ain?

tipu kalau aku cakap tak sakit. tipu. sakit sanga
t sebenarnya. tapi sebab nak elak sakit, dua hari aku tak
geselkan gigi atas dengan gigi bawah. ngilu gile!! tu belum lagi rasa gigi lembut, mm, sebenar
nya gusi yang lembut. perut lapar tapi mulut say NO!. lepas pasang tu nak makan pun susah. makan kek secret recipe yang sedap tu pun ngilu jugak. sob. sob. tidur tak boleh langgar mulut. kalau tak rasa menyesal gila. apsal la aku boleh terlanggar :(.. bila aku senyap maksudnya aku tengah sakit. bila aku cakap banyak sebenarnya sebab aku dah telan painkiller. ramai member cakap macam mana boleh tahan sakit. mm, korang aku rase beranak lagi sakit kot. huhu. well, you paid for every steps you take.

hehe, now i'm counting days to get back eat the solid foods. seriously bile gigi dah okay, aku memang nak GCB satu. kalau GCB dah habis BIGMAC pun ja

hmm, a long new entry i guess. will update later (if i want to do so. hee).
taip ni pun sebab malas nak pergi meeting dengan advisor. sorry boss. but i'm tired :(

oh, just a footnote.
i saw something you comment about my braces,
if i interpret correctly
gonna be sweet if you said straightly to me :)