Thursday, February 11, 2010

aq ke yg brmasalah??

mm,,knape la ngan aq lately ny,,macam nenek tua,,i always careless with my own important belonging,,ain!!!tau ta bnda2 tu semua penting???mula2 hilang kad motor,,fine!! acceptable lg la coz ble slalu kne pinjam and org pulak pulangkn bkn kat bilik hmm,,mmg tah kat mne2 la jadinye kad ue,, next ain,,u lost ur MOTORCYCLE KEY!! weh,,moto cantik cmne pon,,besa cmne pon,,without a thing called KEY,,ta de maknenye la,, watch out!! better jgn smpi ibu tau this problem else,,trok aq kne mara,,kedai moto ue pon satu,,mle2 janji na dtg amek moto on wednesday,,ok,,aq trima r,,mayb byk customer,,then ckp amek ari kames plak,,ok,,i've waitin 4 da whole day and when i call him he said,,"sory la dik,,customer ramai, kan da nak CNY,,t abg dtg la amek,,ta payah risau,,adek ta prlu pon ad tyme abg amek nnt,,",,weh cik abg,,mmg la aq ta prlu ad but at least b4 i go back home,,i want to mke sure that my moto is with sumone that suppose to have it,,pe la,,hmm,,ain,,pls la,,lps ny don't put your stuff here and there,,myusahkan diri ko n org laen jep,,tau ta???

lg satu,,its time to go to ur 1st sem lyfe,,no more movies(jgn la lbeh2 sgt nengok),,more on books okay,,divide ur tyme properly,,ape pon yg brlaku rmmbr STUDIES come first,,ooh tidak,,,da minggu 3 da,,u have another 11 weeks to go to prepare urself as an undergrad students,,,
less conversation more action high vision continuous passion

i'm go back hometown tomorrow,,
nk pergi tg balai,indon,,
tp assign byk,,
naek cuti byk keja+test+kuiz,,
gud luck,,